Before social media people kept paper journals to keep daily updates about our lives.

In this time of change, I recommend keeping a journal.

You may have come across the journals of famous people, such as Ernest Hemingway, Anne Frank, Virginia Woolf and Andy Warhol.

For example, the artist Andy Warhol’s journal provides an amazing insight into his life. He wrote almost daily. Whatever the broader objective, the journal kept a record of his:

  • achievements
  • goals
  • creative process and the
  • transformation of his work

If you are making a career transition there is good evidence that keeping a journal can help keep you on track and focussed on goals and outcomes. Writing has many additional benefits including:

  • to connect you to your own voice
  • allow you to tap your intuition and inner wisdom
  • to provide a foundation for reflection.

In times of transition and change

It is especially valuable to tap your intuition and inner wisdom. There are lots of techniques. One is getting up 20 minutes earlier and writing for 20 minutes. Whatever comes to mind. No editing as you go, and then come back and check over this stream of consciousness. Are there are any hidden gems?

Regular journaling benefits

Regular journaling helps you:

  • to take a step back and gain perspective
  • identify patterns in your mindset and approach
  • build a picture of your career and life journey.

Journaling alternatives

Hate writing? That’s fine, you can also draw, doodle, paint or create a scrapbook, or try video or audio journaling on your phone, tablet or computer.

Remember Warhol, he took the time out to journal during his life. Imagine him looking back over the journal and realising the achievements he’d made with all the twists and turns of life.

Are you concerned about privacy…what if your journal is found?

A suggestion from a wise friend of mine, who is a mother of 6, is to buy a safe (now available for under $100) and lock your journal away!

I’d love to hear your thoughts…
