If you are, you’re not alone. Forty percent of workers globally want to leave their jobs this year.

The desire to leave is driven by dissatisfaction and disinterest with their current role. Which sounds fairly obvious.

What is less obvious is how to change this dissatisfaction and fall in love with what you do.

My chapter in Innovation Secrets, Career Innovation – How to find work you love offers practical advice on how to find work you love.

What we know is:

  • Successful people are energised by their work. If your inner flame or inspiration isn’t burning, you’re not going to reach your potential.
  • It’s so important to live in alignment with our strengths and values; personally and professionally.
  • To do this we need to carefully listen to ourselves and to ‘expand our bubble’ of what’s possible to explore options actively and find what makes us thrive at this time in our lives.
  • The transition to a life where you deeply love what you do takes time, and dead ends along the way are inevitable and okay.
  • Everyone experiences a unique journey.

Who do you know who is driven by an obvious love of what they do? Tag them in the comments to let them know they inspire others.